Posts with the category “music”

Pastor’s Weekly Update November 5, 2021
by Candace Clark on November 5th, 2021
Happy Friday, Friendship Family!I pray this weekly update finds each of you well and prosperous!I pray that you take time this month to reflect on God’s faithfulness and articulate your gratitude to our Lord and Savior!I am reminded today of the account of Paul and Silas from Acts 16. I somewhat mentioned this in my sermon on Sunday as I set up the context.  Remember, they were arrested in the cit...  Read More
Pastor’s Weekly Update October 29, 2021
by Candace Clark on October 29th, 2021
Greetings My Beloved Friendship Family!Well, believe it or not, we are at the end of another week, and we are at the end of another month! Yes, October is officially coming to an end. This year is quickly slipping away from us, and in just over 60 days, this year will be no more.I will not repeat myself regarding redeeming time or considering what you do with the last days of this year. Instead, I...  Read More
Pastor’s Weekly Update October 22, 2021
by Candace Clark on October 22nd, 2021
Happy Friday, Friendship Family!I pray this video message finds you blessed and basking in the continual favor of our great God!I pray as you step into the weekend that it is a blessed and relaxing weekend for you!Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. It has been quite a blessing to have the Friendship family members pray for my family and me consistently! The power of prayer has been evident ...  Read More
Pastor's Weekly Update October 15, 2021
by Candace Clark on October 15th, 2021
Greetings, Friendship Family! Today is Friday, October 15th, and we are basically halfway through the month! Yes, time is slipping away from us. That is why I keep pushing us back to this topic of REDEEMING THE TIME! Remember, Paul utilizes this phrase in Ephesians 5:16 and Colossians 4:5. Again, the word REDEEM in Greek means to “buy out of the marketplace.” As I told you last week, the picture i...  Read More
Pastor's Weekly Update October 8, 2021
by Candace Clark on October 8th, 2021
Hey there Friendship Family!I am grateful to God for you, and I am grateful to reach out to you weekly via this weekly update though I fear many of you have stopped reading these regularly. I am determined, however, to finish out the year with these updates and then figure out what the next season of communication to the body will look like!I appreciate those of you who read the weekly update to k...  Read More
Pastor's Weekly Update October 1, 2021
by Candace Clark on October 1st, 2021
Greetings, Friendship Family!Happy Friday to you! Can you believe that today is the First Day of October? Can you believe today is the first day of the last quarter of the year? I can’t, but it is!  The year 2021 is indeed slipping away. In roughly 90 days, this year will be over!BIBLE READINGHow are you coming along with your bible reading challenge? At Friendship, we encourage every member to re...  Read More
Gospel Music Review February 2020
by Eric Archer on February 3rd, 2020
For certain, gospel music is alive and continues to encourage and inspire the hearer. God has not changed; His Word remains and the messages promoted through gospel music can still change lives. What has dramatically changed over the last decade is access to gospel music. Have you ever asked, “What’s new in gospel music these days?” or “What’s the name of that song the praise team sang Sunday?”   Read More



