Pastor’s Weekly Update October 29, 2021
Greetings My Beloved Friendship Family!
Well, believe it or not, we are at the end of another week, and we are at the end of another month! Yes, October is officially coming to an end. This year is quickly slipping away from us, and in just over 60 days, this year will be no more.
I will not repeat myself regarding redeeming time or considering what you do with the last days of this year. Instead, I will simply trust you have heard me and that you are making wise use of the rest of 2021 and preparing yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically, and biblically for 2022.
I pray that you take time to appraise your accomplishments this year and what you may still need to attend to before the year is over. Remember, the Lord has blessed us with time, experiences, resources, talents, spiritual gifts, and a network of people. We should hold all of these in high regard and do our best to evaluate our stewardship of the resources God has given to us!
This message is not a call to despair because the year is coming to an end. This is a call to delight! This message is a call to remember the faithfulness of God. This message is a call to review your year and see where God has been faithfully guiding your every footstep and giving you everything you need as you live the life he has given you! And remember, whatever challenges you’ve faced, as a follower of Jesus, you have never been alone. The Bible tells us in Romans 8:28 that God is always working for the good of those who love him and live according to his purpose. I encourage you to take some time in the last sixty-plus days of this year to thank the Lord for his goodness to you over this past year, even during difficult days. Amen!
I look forward to seeing you Sunday for worship, whether in person or virtually. Sunday is still the highlight of my week, and I am grateful to God for those who remain engaged and connected to the ministry and vision of Friendship! I want to take a moment and thank the hospitality team that continues to serve each Sunday faithfully under the direction and leadership of Deaconess Melissa Hunter. Thank you all for helping us serve the body! I appreciate your dedication, Thanks to you for making a difference and making my job a little easier.
We have offered in-person worship since the First Sunday in May. So that means we have been in person for six months! This is a monumental feat, and it has only happened because of the faithful diligence of the hospitality team! Thank you again!
When we started regathering in May, I said that this would be a long journey back to our new normal. And truthfully, we still don’t know what normal will look like, but as we take the journey back, we can be proud of the progress we have made and are making! Friendship, it’s a journey, but we must keep moving. So again, as you are able and more comfortable, we look forward to seeing more of you in worship. Otherwise, we continue to work to make our online worship experience the best we can. It is not where I want it yet, but we are working on it, and I am grateful for the team and volunteers working to make things better!
Well, I have said enough; let me quickly update you with what’s going on here at Friendship!
This coming Sunday, after each service, our CYYA Ministries (that’s, Children, Youth, and Young Adult Ministries) will give out Harvest Fest bags of candy to children of ALL ages. We hope to see you Sunday!
You have 64 days, including today, to complete a Bible reading plan. This is a reminder that you still have time to read the WORD and accomplish a goal you may have set for yourself!
At Friendship, we encourage every member to read one of six Bible reading plans in the year. These plans include;
If you have not completed a reading plan, there is still time. To help you, we will load a 90-day plan to complete the Gospels in the Church App. Simply open the “Bible” tab from the bottom menu of the church app and select “plan.” Each day will include a reading of ONE chapter per day... just one chapter a day to complete the Gospels in 90 days!
If you would like to complete a different plan, I have attached some other 90-day plans HERE for you to download and follow. So let’s finish strong and read our Bible before the end of 2021.
Our Academic & Career Enrichment Department is planning an exciting opportunity for fun and learning for children in 3rd grade and up at the upcoming Saturday Science Fun Day on Saturday, November 6. This Event is called “Speedometry.” We will use Hot Wheels cars and tracks to conduct experiments. So bring the kids out and join us. They will discover that they don’t have to be experts on complicated scientific concepts to do the most basic and most important steps of being a scientist: ask questions, observe, explore, and gather evidence. Please CLICK for more INFO & to REGISTER as soon as possible.
OK, So I am making ONE more appeal! We really NEED VOLUNTEERS! I really need volunteers in our Media Ministry and our Audio Ministry. I need MEMBERS who are willing to serve at least one Sunday a month with either ministry. Media and Sound are critical to both our in-person worship and our online worship! We need individuals, and we need you! Would you prayerfully consider joining the team? If you want to volunteer, complete the CHANGEMAKER form by clicking HERE, and we will get you connected to the right ministry opportunity. We look forward to hearing from you!
Attention ALL! Dates/events for the 2022 Church Calendar are due by Monday, November 15th. Please send your calendar additions to Leigha Carrington in Membership Services by then. Also, if you need a calendar guide, please get in touch with Leigha for that as well. You may reach her HERE.
Also, ministry leaders remember ministry elections need to take place by November 30th. If you will not meet the deadline, please advise your Governance Committee Liaison.
Our fourth-quarter push continues. We have just nine more Sundays to meet our 2021 budget, and it is within our reach!
Friendship, thank you for your generous financial support of your church. You are amazingly faithful and generous. This fourth quarter campaign helps to ensure we finish 2021 strong financially! Please remain faithful to your church and continue your financial support. Your generous contributions have assisted us in maintaining a high level of ministry here at Friendship. Finishing strong will help us this year and position us greatly for next year as we anticipate greater in-person ministry opportunities! Please know we are constantly investing in the ministry here at Friendship! We are making progress!
General Church things to remember:
Well, that’s all I have this week!
Continue to Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected!
God loves you, and so do I!
In His Service,

Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Your Pastor
Well, believe it or not, we are at the end of another week, and we are at the end of another month! Yes, October is officially coming to an end. This year is quickly slipping away from us, and in just over 60 days, this year will be no more.
I will not repeat myself regarding redeeming time or considering what you do with the last days of this year. Instead, I will simply trust you have heard me and that you are making wise use of the rest of 2021 and preparing yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically, and biblically for 2022.
I pray that you take time to appraise your accomplishments this year and what you may still need to attend to before the year is over. Remember, the Lord has blessed us with time, experiences, resources, talents, spiritual gifts, and a network of people. We should hold all of these in high regard and do our best to evaluate our stewardship of the resources God has given to us!
This message is not a call to despair because the year is coming to an end. This is a call to delight! This message is a call to remember the faithfulness of God. This message is a call to review your year and see where God has been faithfully guiding your every footstep and giving you everything you need as you live the life he has given you! And remember, whatever challenges you’ve faced, as a follower of Jesus, you have never been alone. The Bible tells us in Romans 8:28 that God is always working for the good of those who love him and live according to his purpose. I encourage you to take some time in the last sixty-plus days of this year to thank the Lord for his goodness to you over this past year, even during difficult days. Amen!
I look forward to seeing you Sunday for worship, whether in person or virtually. Sunday is still the highlight of my week, and I am grateful to God for those who remain engaged and connected to the ministry and vision of Friendship! I want to take a moment and thank the hospitality team that continues to serve each Sunday faithfully under the direction and leadership of Deaconess Melissa Hunter. Thank you all for helping us serve the body! I appreciate your dedication, Thanks to you for making a difference and making my job a little easier.
We have offered in-person worship since the First Sunday in May. So that means we have been in person for six months! This is a monumental feat, and it has only happened because of the faithful diligence of the hospitality team! Thank you again!
When we started regathering in May, I said that this would be a long journey back to our new normal. And truthfully, we still don’t know what normal will look like, but as we take the journey back, we can be proud of the progress we have made and are making! Friendship, it’s a journey, but we must keep moving. So again, as you are able and more comfortable, we look forward to seeing more of you in worship. Otherwise, we continue to work to make our online worship experience the best we can. It is not where I want it yet, but we are working on it, and I am grateful for the team and volunteers working to make things better!
Well, I have said enough; let me quickly update you with what’s going on here at Friendship!
This coming Sunday, after each service, our CYYA Ministries (that’s, Children, Youth, and Young Adult Ministries) will give out Harvest Fest bags of candy to children of ALL ages. We hope to see you Sunday!
You have 64 days, including today, to complete a Bible reading plan. This is a reminder that you still have time to read the WORD and accomplish a goal you may have set for yourself!
At Friendship, we encourage every member to read one of six Bible reading plans in the year. These plans include;
1. The entire Bible,
2. The Pentateuch (or the first five books of the Old Testament),
3. The entire Old Testament,
4. The Gospels (or the first four books of the New Testament),
5. The entire New Testament, and
6. Psalms and Proverbs (3 times)
If you have not completed a reading plan, there is still time. To help you, we will load a 90-day plan to complete the Gospels in the Church App. Simply open the “Bible” tab from the bottom menu of the church app and select “plan.” Each day will include a reading of ONE chapter per day... just one chapter a day to complete the Gospels in 90 days!
If you would like to complete a different plan, I have attached some other 90-day plans HERE for you to download and follow. So let’s finish strong and read our Bible before the end of 2021.
Our Academic & Career Enrichment Department is planning an exciting opportunity for fun and learning for children in 3rd grade and up at the upcoming Saturday Science Fun Day on Saturday, November 6. This Event is called “Speedometry.” We will use Hot Wheels cars and tracks to conduct experiments. So bring the kids out and join us. They will discover that they don’t have to be experts on complicated scientific concepts to do the most basic and most important steps of being a scientist: ask questions, observe, explore, and gather evidence. Please CLICK for more INFO & to REGISTER as soon as possible.
OK, So I am making ONE more appeal! We really NEED VOLUNTEERS! I really need volunteers in our Media Ministry and our Audio Ministry. I need MEMBERS who are willing to serve at least one Sunday a month with either ministry. Media and Sound are critical to both our in-person worship and our online worship! We need individuals, and we need you! Would you prayerfully consider joining the team? If you want to volunteer, complete the CHANGEMAKER form by clicking HERE, and we will get you connected to the right ministry opportunity. We look forward to hearing from you!
Attention ALL! Dates/events for the 2022 Church Calendar are due by Monday, November 15th. Please send your calendar additions to Leigha Carrington in Membership Services by then. Also, if you need a calendar guide, please get in touch with Leigha for that as well. You may reach her HERE.
Also, ministry leaders remember ministry elections need to take place by November 30th. If you will not meet the deadline, please advise your Governance Committee Liaison.
Our fourth-quarter push continues. We have just nine more Sundays to meet our 2021 budget, and it is within our reach!
Friendship, thank you for your generous financial support of your church. You are amazingly faithful and generous. This fourth quarter campaign helps to ensure we finish 2021 strong financially! Please remain faithful to your church and continue your financial support. Your generous contributions have assisted us in maintaining a high level of ministry here at Friendship. Finishing strong will help us this year and position us greatly for next year as we anticipate greater in-person ministry opportunities! Please know we are constantly investing in the ministry here at Friendship! We are making progress!
General Church things to remember:
- IN-PERSON EX-HOUR: In-person Ex-Hour meets each Sunday from 10am to 11am each Sunday in the Multipurpose Building. We invite you to stay after the first service or come earlier for the second service to attend Ex Hour in person.
- EX HOUR: Virtual Ex-Hour meets weekly on Sundays via ZOOM. Join us for class at 10 am via this link HERE.
- YOUTH EX HOUR: Our youth Ex Hour takes place during our designated EX Hour time via Google Meet and in-person. Yes, it’s a hybrid approach! Parents, please encourage your students to join youth teachers for this biblically fun opportunity to learn God’s Word, connect with others, and grow. To join Youth Ex-Hour, follow the link HERE.
- CHILDREN’S MINISTRY VIDEO: Remember there’s a weekly Children’s Ministry Worship Video designed to keep our children connected, encouraged, and worshipping! Rev. Jaron Singley works hard weekly to produce a Children’s worship video. It is available through our website HERE or via the Friendship YouTube Channel HERE.
- WEDNESDAY Prayer Day: Join us each Wednesday for Prayer. We pray at 6:30am, 12pm, and 6:30pm. To connect with our prayer services, please follow this link HERE or dial in at +1 (413) 418-4274 and use the PIN 287683504#.
- FBC FOOD BANK OPEN: The FBC Food Bank is OPEN with a new drive-thru system where our clients will receive a pre-packaged food box and a bag of groceries. The Food Bank’s hours of operation are Tuesday - Thursday 2:30pm-4:30pm.
- COVID Recovery Kits:
We still have Covid Recovery Kits through Providence Health and the Yorba Linda Rotary Club. These kits help individuals who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and are recovering at home. Each kit includes a pulse oximeter to monitor breathing, a thermometer, a box of masks, and a package of sanitizing wipes in a small canvas bag. If you or someone in your family could benefit from one of these kits, please call the church office and arrange to get one.
- COVID Membership Assistance Fund: We are STILL accepting applications for the COVID Membership Assistance Grant. If you are experiencing financial distress due to COVID19, we invite you to apply for one of our $500 assistance grants. The guidelines are available HERE, and the application is available HERE.
Continue to Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected!
God loves you, and so do I!
In His Service,
Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Your Pastor