Pastor’s Weekly Update November 12, 2021
Hello Friendship Family!
It has been a long week for me, but I am still here, and it’s by the grace of an Almighty God!
As I prepared for this week’s message or update, I reflected on a song that I have quoted often, and many of you like to hear sung in church. It’s entitled, I Won’t Complain. Take a listen HERE.
To complain is to express dissatisfaction about something. To grumble is to complain with a bad attitude. We most often think of complaining as whining or grumbling.
Expressing dissatisfaction is not always wrong. But dissatisfaction with our circumstances that presents itself as complaining undermines the peace, joy, patience, and other fruit of the Spirit as detailed in Galatians 5:22–23.
At the worst, when we complain, we are essentially saying that we don’t like what God is doing or allowing in our lives and that we don’t trust His sovereignty. So often, when we complain, we are focused on the wrong things.
Our complaints, at best, should enter into our prayer life so we can ask God about how He wants us to handle situations and do something in our lives, even with our circumstances, that will bring glory to Him.
As I was reflecting on this concept, MY mother called me. I explained how I was feeling about some situations, and she said to me, “Kenneth, in all of this, you MUST remember, God is in CONTROL!”
Sometimes we forget that we can’t do anything without God. GOD IS IN CONTROL! So, in the areas of your complaints, and we all have them, remember God is CONTROL and take your issue to God!
Well, I have said enough. Let me quickly update you with this week’s announcements.
Attention all married, engaged, and seriously dating couples, tonight, Friday, November 12th, is the next session of our Side by Side Couples Ministry Class. The class meets virtually via zoom and begins promptly at 7 pm. This week’s topic is The Power of Prayer in Marriage! Deacon Hilton and Sister Shelia McDaniel would love to see you there. Join the session HERE.
Attention ALL! Dates/events for the 2022 Church Calendar are due by Monday, November 15th. Please send your calendar additions to Leigha Carrington in Membership Services by then. You may reach her HERE. THANK YOU in advance for your attention to this matter.
Also, ministry leaders remember ministry elections need to take place by November 30th. If you will not meet the deadline, please advise your Governance Committee Liaison.
The RHEMA Men’s Ministry invites 40 people (Men & Women) to a movie outing on Monday, November 15th, at 7:00 pm at the Brea Regal Theater. Experience the Holy Land like never before. Attendees will join Dr. Tony Evans and his daughters, Chrystal Evans Hurst and Priscilla Shirer, as they retrace the steps that changed the world in JOURNEY WITH JESUS. Filmed on location in Israel, JOURNEY WITH JESUS, brings the Bible to life as Dr. Evans and his daughters lead a beautiful and captivating walking tour of the historical sites and places of Jesus’ ministry, delivering personal insights, powerful teaching, and biblical context for each location. From the Sea of Galilee to the Jordan River, Nazareth to Jerusalem: the ministry, movements, and moments that defined Christ’s life—from his birth to his resurrection—come alive in fresh new ways.
Our discounted rate is $14 per person and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. You can reserve your seat here or text Deacon Charles Owens at 949-887-0581. View the Trailer HERE.
Attention to all Scholarship Ministry Participants and their parents, the joint Scholarship Ministry is excited to kick off the 2021-2022 academic year officially. The year kicks off with our mandatory Parent & Student. This meeting takes place virtually and will review program guidelines, introduce ministry leaders and mentors, and answer any questions participants or their parents may have. We will hold the meeting Wednesday, November 17th at 7:00 pm.
It is crucial and MANDATORY that everyone attend as we will highlight the changes and adaptations to the guidelines that the ministry has made due to our current environment.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN VIA GOOGLE MEET, or you may dial in (US) +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 438 699 137 5379#
As we prepare for the Thanksgiving Holiday, I want to make you aware of two things related to Thanksgiving!
Remember, Thanksgiving Day bears its origin from the harvest festival. In Massachusetts, the Pilgrim settlers held the original Thanksgiving celebration during their second winter in America in December 1621. Initially, this pause to give thanks was designed to thank God for the autumn harvest and every other success they had achieved that year. Scripturally, we find things related to the issue of giving thanks from cover to cover in the Word of God.
We give thanks in all circumstances, as encouraged in 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Yes, we give thanks in the middle of this UNFINISHED global pandemic! We give thanks! We pray you will join us for this service. Again, it will take place on Thanksgiving Day, November 25th, at 10 am.
On December 4th, I will be a program participant in the Orange County Spirit of the Heart Community Forum. This community forum is designed to create dialogue and advocacy for health services and awareness in communities of color. This year’s event will be my third year serving as a participant. I have provided the link to register for the event and pray you will do so. I may need to adjust the time of our next Stewardship Meeting, which is also scheduled for that day. I will update you in the weeks to come. Please be patient with me! HERE is the advertisement for the event!
I am excited to announce that I have been asked to speak at the next Transformation Ministries Conference being held on February 10th and 11th at South Shores Church in Dana Point. This is the conference we hosted for Transformation Ministries in 2015 here at Friendship. The 2022 Transformation Ministries Conference is built around the theme: Only GOD. We will revisit the book of Acts and look at how the supernatural work of God turned the world upside down. I will speak from the thought, ONLY GOD IS WORTHY! HERE is the link to Transformation Ministries advertisement for the conference this week, which features YOUR PASTOR.
All of you are invited to attend the conference! It is FREE for you to do so as long as you register under Friendship! To register, go HERE. Select “I need to add my name to my church’s registration.” Then enter Friendship Baptist Church for the church name and enter our church address which is 17145 Bastanchury Road, Yorba Linda, CA 92886. Then enter your contact information under Attendee Information. Let me know if you have a problem by emailing me HERE.
We have just SEVEN more Sundays to meet our 2021 budget, and it is within our reach!
Friendship, thank you for your generous financial support of your church. You are amazingly faithful and generous. This fourth quarter campaign helps to ensure we finish 2021 strong financially! Please remain faithful to your church and continue your financial support. Your generous contributions have assisted us in maintaining a high level of ministry here at Friendship. Finishing strong will help us this year and position us greatly for next year as we anticipate greater in-person ministry opportunities! Please know we are constantly investing in the ministry here at Friendship! We are making progress!
We would also like to remind you that Friendship is a part of AmazonSmile as a Charitable Organization! AmazonSmile is a program that Amazon offers to support select non-profits. Friendship Baptist Church is one of the non-profit organizations eligible to receive donations through Amazon Smile. When you shop, half a percent of your purchase will be donated back to the church. For Friendship to receive your donation, you must Choose Friendship Baptist Church Yorba Linda as your charitable organization in your profile. Once you have made this selection, Amazon will remember it for future purchases under that account. Sign up for AmazonSmile HERE.
Lastly, we wish Pastor Larry Weaver and Sister Pat Weaver a heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS on their 20th PASTORAL Anniversary at the Atherton Baptist Church in Hawthorne. They will celebrate this Sunday, November 14th, at their 8 am and 11 am Services. I am honored to serve as their speaker. More information HERE.
General Church things to remember:
If you have not completed a reading plan, there is still time. To help you, we will load a 90-day plan to complete the Gospels in the Church App. Simply open the “Bible” tab from the bottom menu of the church app and select “plan.” Each day will include a reading of ONE chapter per day... just one chapter a day to complete the Gospels in 90 days! If you would like to complete a different plan, I have attached some other 90-day plans HERE for you to download and follow. So let’s finish strong and read our Bible before the end of 2021.
Well, that’s all I have this week!
Continue to Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected!
God loves you, and so do I!
In His Service,

Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Your Pastor
It has been a long week for me, but I am still here, and it’s by the grace of an Almighty God!
As I prepared for this week’s message or update, I reflected on a song that I have quoted often, and many of you like to hear sung in church. It’s entitled, I Won’t Complain. Take a listen HERE.
To complain is to express dissatisfaction about something. To grumble is to complain with a bad attitude. We most often think of complaining as whining or grumbling.
Expressing dissatisfaction is not always wrong. But dissatisfaction with our circumstances that presents itself as complaining undermines the peace, joy, patience, and other fruit of the Spirit as detailed in Galatians 5:22–23.
At the worst, when we complain, we are essentially saying that we don’t like what God is doing or allowing in our lives and that we don’t trust His sovereignty. So often, when we complain, we are focused on the wrong things.
Our complaints, at best, should enter into our prayer life so we can ask God about how He wants us to handle situations and do something in our lives, even with our circumstances, that will bring glory to Him.
As I was reflecting on this concept, MY mother called me. I explained how I was feeling about some situations, and she said to me, “Kenneth, in all of this, you MUST remember, God is in CONTROL!”
Sometimes we forget that we can’t do anything without God. GOD IS IN CONTROL! So, in the areas of your complaints, and we all have them, remember God is CONTROL and take your issue to God!
Well, I have said enough. Let me quickly update you with this week’s announcements.
Attention all married, engaged, and seriously dating couples, tonight, Friday, November 12th, is the next session of our Side by Side Couples Ministry Class. The class meets virtually via zoom and begins promptly at 7 pm. This week’s topic is The Power of Prayer in Marriage! Deacon Hilton and Sister Shelia McDaniel would love to see you there. Join the session HERE.
Attention ALL! Dates/events for the 2022 Church Calendar are due by Monday, November 15th. Please send your calendar additions to Leigha Carrington in Membership Services by then. You may reach her HERE. THANK YOU in advance for your attention to this matter.
Also, ministry leaders remember ministry elections need to take place by November 30th. If you will not meet the deadline, please advise your Governance Committee Liaison.
The RHEMA Men’s Ministry invites 40 people (Men & Women) to a movie outing on Monday, November 15th, at 7:00 pm at the Brea Regal Theater. Experience the Holy Land like never before. Attendees will join Dr. Tony Evans and his daughters, Chrystal Evans Hurst and Priscilla Shirer, as they retrace the steps that changed the world in JOURNEY WITH JESUS. Filmed on location in Israel, JOURNEY WITH JESUS, brings the Bible to life as Dr. Evans and his daughters lead a beautiful and captivating walking tour of the historical sites and places of Jesus’ ministry, delivering personal insights, powerful teaching, and biblical context for each location. From the Sea of Galilee to the Jordan River, Nazareth to Jerusalem: the ministry, movements, and moments that defined Christ’s life—from his birth to his resurrection—come alive in fresh new ways.
Our discounted rate is $14 per person and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. You can reserve your seat here or text Deacon Charles Owens at 949-887-0581. View the Trailer HERE.
Attention to all Scholarship Ministry Participants and their parents, the joint Scholarship Ministry is excited to kick off the 2021-2022 academic year officially. The year kicks off with our mandatory Parent & Student. This meeting takes place virtually and will review program guidelines, introduce ministry leaders and mentors, and answer any questions participants or their parents may have. We will hold the meeting Wednesday, November 17th at 7:00 pm.
It is crucial and MANDATORY that everyone attend as we will highlight the changes and adaptations to the guidelines that the ministry has made due to our current environment.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN VIA GOOGLE MEET, or you may dial in (US) +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 438 699 137 5379#
As we prepare for the Thanksgiving Holiday, I want to make you aware of two things related to Thanksgiving!
- First, we will have our annual Thanksgiving Food Basket Give-a-way on Saturday, November 20th, beginning at 11 am. We will distribute BASKETS on a First Come, First Served Basis. So if you or someone you know needs a Thanksgiving Food Basket, you are encouraged to show up Saturday, November 20th beginning at 10 am.
- Secondly, we will broadcast our Thanksgiving Day Service on Thursday, November 25th, at 10 am via our social media platforms. We pray you will join us!
Remember, Thanksgiving Day bears its origin from the harvest festival. In Massachusetts, the Pilgrim settlers held the original Thanksgiving celebration during their second winter in America in December 1621. Initially, this pause to give thanks was designed to thank God for the autumn harvest and every other success they had achieved that year. Scripturally, we find things related to the issue of giving thanks from cover to cover in the Word of God.
We give thanks in all circumstances, as encouraged in 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Yes, we give thanks in the middle of this UNFINISHED global pandemic! We give thanks! We pray you will join us for this service. Again, it will take place on Thanksgiving Day, November 25th, at 10 am.
On December 4th, I will be a program participant in the Orange County Spirit of the Heart Community Forum. This community forum is designed to create dialogue and advocacy for health services and awareness in communities of color. This year’s event will be my third year serving as a participant. I have provided the link to register for the event and pray you will do so. I may need to adjust the time of our next Stewardship Meeting, which is also scheduled for that day. I will update you in the weeks to come. Please be patient with me! HERE is the advertisement for the event!
I am excited to announce that I have been asked to speak at the next Transformation Ministries Conference being held on February 10th and 11th at South Shores Church in Dana Point. This is the conference we hosted for Transformation Ministries in 2015 here at Friendship. The 2022 Transformation Ministries Conference is built around the theme: Only GOD. We will revisit the book of Acts and look at how the supernatural work of God turned the world upside down. I will speak from the thought, ONLY GOD IS WORTHY! HERE is the link to Transformation Ministries advertisement for the conference this week, which features YOUR PASTOR.
All of you are invited to attend the conference! It is FREE for you to do so as long as you register under Friendship! To register, go HERE. Select “I need to add my name to my church’s registration.” Then enter Friendship Baptist Church for the church name and enter our church address which is 17145 Bastanchury Road, Yorba Linda, CA 92886. Then enter your contact information under Attendee Information. Let me know if you have a problem by emailing me HERE.
We have just SEVEN more Sundays to meet our 2021 budget, and it is within our reach!
Friendship, thank you for your generous financial support of your church. You are amazingly faithful and generous. This fourth quarter campaign helps to ensure we finish 2021 strong financially! Please remain faithful to your church and continue your financial support. Your generous contributions have assisted us in maintaining a high level of ministry here at Friendship. Finishing strong will help us this year and position us greatly for next year as we anticipate greater in-person ministry opportunities! Please know we are constantly investing in the ministry here at Friendship! We are making progress!
We would also like to remind you that Friendship is a part of AmazonSmile as a Charitable Organization! AmazonSmile is a program that Amazon offers to support select non-profits. Friendship Baptist Church is one of the non-profit organizations eligible to receive donations through Amazon Smile. When you shop, half a percent of your purchase will be donated back to the church. For Friendship to receive your donation, you must Choose Friendship Baptist Church Yorba Linda as your charitable organization in your profile. Once you have made this selection, Amazon will remember it for future purchases under that account. Sign up for AmazonSmile HERE.
Lastly, we wish Pastor Larry Weaver and Sister Pat Weaver a heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS on their 20th PASTORAL Anniversary at the Atherton Baptist Church in Hawthorne. They will celebrate this Sunday, November 14th, at their 8 am and 11 am Services. I am honored to serve as their speaker. More information HERE.
General Church things to remember:
✔️ The entire Bible,
✔️ The Pentateuch (or the first five books of the Old Testament),
✔️ The entire Old Testament,
✔️ The Gospels (or the first four books of the New Testament),
✔️ The entire New Testament, and
✔️ Psalms and Proverbs (3 times)
If you have not completed a reading plan, there is still time. To help you, we will load a 90-day plan to complete the Gospels in the Church App. Simply open the “Bible” tab from the bottom menu of the church app and select “plan.” Each day will include a reading of ONE chapter per day... just one chapter a day to complete the Gospels in 90 days! If you would like to complete a different plan, I have attached some other 90-day plans HERE for you to download and follow. So let’s finish strong and read our Bible before the end of 2021.
- IN-PERSON EX-HOUR: In-person Ex-Hour meets each Sunday from 10 am to 11 am each Sunday in the Multipurpose Building. We invite you to stay after the first service or come earlier for the second service to attend Ex Hour in person.
- EX HOUR: Virtual Ex-Hour meets weekly on Sundays via ZOOM. Join us for class at 10 am via this link HERE.
- YOUTH EX HOUR: Our youth Ex Hour takes place during our designated EX Hour time via Google Meet and in-person. Yes, it’s a hybrid approach! Parents, please encourage your students to join youth teachers for this biblically fun opportunity to learn God’s Word, connect with others, and grow. To join Youth Ex-Hour, follow the link HERE.
- CHILDREN’S MINISTRY VIDEO: Remember there’s a weekly Children’s Ministry Worship Video designed to keep our children connected, encouraged, and worshipping! Rev. Jaron Singley works hard weekly to produce a Children’s worship video. It is available through our website HERE or via the Friendship YouTube Channel HERE.
- WEDNESDAY Prayer Day: Join us each Wednesday for Prayer. We pray at 6:30 am, 12 pm, and 6:30 pm. To connect with our prayer services, please follow this link HERE or dial in at +1 (413) 418-4274 and use the PIN 287683504#.
- FBC FOOD BANK OPEN: The FBC Food Bank is OPEN with a new drive-thru system where our clients will receive a pre-packaged food box and a bag of groceries. The Food Bank’s hours of operation are Tuesday - Thursday 2:30 pm-4:30 pm.
- COVID Recovery Kits:
We still have Covid Recovery Kits through Providence Health and the Yorba Linda Rotary Club. These kits help individuals who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and are recovering at home. Each kit includes a pulse oximeter to monitor breathing, a thermometer, a box of masks, and a package of sanitizing wipes in a small canvas bag. If you or someone in your family could benefit from one of these kits, please call the church office and arrange to get one.
- COVID Membership Assistance Fund: We are STILL accepting applications for the COVID Membership Assistance Grant. If you are experiencing financial distress due to COVID19, we invite you to apply for one of our $500 assistance grants. The guidelines are available HERE, and the application is available HERE.
Well, that’s all I have this week!
Continue to Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected!
God loves you, and so do I!
In His Service,
Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Your Pastor
Posted in COVID-19