Hello, Friendship Family!

I hope you’re doing well and having a fantastic week.

We’ve just wrapped up our preaching series, “Who Are We? We Are Friendship Church,” and what a powerful time it has been! This series was framed by our Church Mission Statement, and I believe it served as a wonderful reminder for those who have been here for a while and a great invitation for those who are just joining us on this journey. And speaking of new members—WOW! 

We’ve already welcomed 36 new members this year, with 14 of them joining just this past weekend! And to top it off, we’ve baptized 9 individuals this year! To God be the glory!

Let me remind you of who we are and what we stand for.

Friendship Baptist Church is a church where Christ is magnified—through individually and collectively presenting ourselves to Christ as a living and holy offering. We are: Bible-Based, Christ-Centered, Accountable, and Saved to Serve!

This mission is not just words on a page—it’s the heartbeat of our church. It defines who we are today and where we’re going as we look ahead to 2030 and beyond. 

So, I invite you to join me, our leaders, and our staff in moving forward in faith, believing that God is guiding us every step of the way. Amen!

Now, let’s move to this week’s announcements.  
Today is Friday, February 28th and it is the Friday before the First Sunday, and that means it’s time for Friendship Family Prayer!  Most of the time, we gather virtually, but tonight, we are meeting in person in the Sanctuary for a special time of Prayer, Praise, and Power!

We’ll start promptly at 7:30 PM and go until 9:00 PM. We’ll have worship leaders, and both members and leaders will have the opportunity to pray on behalf of our church.
This coming month’s prayer focus is “Growing in the Wisdom of God.” I truly believe this will be a powerful time in God’s presence, and I hope to see you there!
Then Ladies! The Kingdom Wives Class meets this Saturday, March 1st, online from 9:00-10:30 AM. This discipleship group will continue to explore the value of being a Kingdom Wife, and this week’s topic is “Purposeful Perseverance” from the book Loving Him Well.

New participants must register to receive the class link, resources, and reminders. Please check the written update for details and registration information! HERE.
This Sunday is the First Sunday, and that means we celebrate Communion! Communion is an ordinance of the church—not just a tradition, but a command and expectation given by Jesus Himself: “As often as you do this, do this in remembrance of Me.”

Here at Friendship, we celebrate Communion every First Sunday. However, once a quarter, we also observe High Church Sunday.  Now, let me explain what that means and why we do it.  High Church is a time of liturgy and formality in worship—not for tradition’s sake, but to remind us of the significance of our faith and the ordinances of the church.

You will see:
White, symbolizing the purity of the Savior
Black & White, representing the somberness and reverence of the moment
Red, pointing to the blood of Jesus that washes away sin

This is much like the pomp and circumstance of an inauguration, a graduation, or another memorable event. It’s a way of marking this moment with the honor and reverence it deserves.

Additionally, our Deacons will lead us in Devotional Service, bringing a bit of the old-school church tradition that helps us stay connected to our Black church roots.  Remember, each service will begin 15 minutes earlier than usual.  So, join us this Sunday at 7:45 AM or 11:15 AM—come prepared to worship!

And remember: Communion is for believers. If you have not yet placed your trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, we ask that you refrain from partaking—this is a biblical instruction.

If you will worship form home, check out the communion instructions so you can observe communion virtually HERE.
This Sunday we will introduce new Ex Hour Adult Classes! This means we are expanding our current adult classes to offer a total of six classes! To view class offerings or to join a class, please use our church app and select Connect>Join a Group, or visit our church web page, HERE.
Brothers, you were born for more… abundantly more!  You were born to be a 10X Better Man.  Not just better, but 10X better in every aspect of your life.  This month we focus on how we can be 10X better physically.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday, March 10th at 7:00 PM for a fun time of food and fellowship.
We need you to make an appointment for you and your family to be in the 2025 pictorial directory!  We have a few appointments available for photography sessions on the added date of Saturday, March 8th.

If you haven’t signed up yet, you can do so on our website, in the church app, or in person on Sunday in the quad.  Every individual or family photographed will receive a complimentary (FREE!) copy of the directory and an 8x10 portrait, with the option to purchase additional portraits.  To make your appointment go HERE.
Hello, Friendship Family! We are offering business card ads for all business owners and entrepreneurs in our 2025 Membership Directory for just $25.00 per card.  This is a great way to get your business in front of our church community!  If interested, please stop by the Membership Directory table outside in the quad after each service. All business cards must be submitted no later than Monday, March 17, 2025. For more information, call the church office.
You're Invited!  If you have joined our church in the last few months and have not attended a New Member's Reception, we would love to see you.  On Sunday, March 16th at 10:15 AM, come chat with Pastor Curry & Lady Karima, church leaders and staff, and learn about your new church home.  We will meet in the Carrington Building, Room 216.

We're glad you've joined Friendship and look forward to welcoming you to the family!

Kingdom Women – Join us for our Virtual Women’s Ministry Monthly Fellowship on Friday, March 21st at 7:00 PM.  Our guest, Dr. Patricia Ashley, will teach on Restlessness As An Invitation based upon the book Now and Not Yet: Pressing in When You’re Waiting, Wanting, and Restless for More by Ruth Chou Simons.  Ruth writes,
"What’s at the heart of our longings for change, for something different, for something more? What’s the real root cause of feeling stuck, as if what we have isn’t enough? When I peel back the layers of my restlessness, I always find, at the core, a fear that God doesn’t know best, that somehow he didn’t get the memo about what I really need, what I really want, or how my life should really turn out. I question where I am and what I’ve been given to work with. The core belief of restlessness stems from thinking I can’t truly rest until I secure everything I think I need. It’s safe to say my restlessness most often coincides with forgetfulness about where true rest comes from."
If you’ve ever felt like you’re waiting, wanting, or restless for more, this teaching is for you! Come connect, grow, and be encouraged—to register, go HERE.
Then, Brothers, the next day is for you.  The Men’s Prayer Breakfast is Saturday, March 22nd and we will begin at 8:00AM.  We will have breakfast, engaging activities, and, of course, a message that will challenge, motivate and encourage us to keep growing - to keep advancing and expanding - into the men of God that He is calling us to be.  Our speaker will be Rev. Dr. Anthony Riley, the Pastor of Operations at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Ontario.   Please Register, HERE.
All Bible teachers are invited and requested to attend our 1st quarter Teachers Meeting on Sunday, March 23rd at 1:30 pm. We'll gather in the multi-purpose building to share updates and pertinent topics related to Christian Education and Discipleship. Lunch will be provided, so please RSVP to our Minister of Christian Education at: [email protected] by Thursday, March 20th to confirm your attendance. We look forward to seeing you there!
March 23rd, we are celebrating Scout Sunday! This is a special day set aside to appreciate and honor our Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts. You’ll see our Scouts in full uniform in service, and after the first service, they’ll have a special presentation in the quad. But that’s not all—after the second service, they’re inviting all of us to cheer them on at the Pinewood Derby! There will be fun activities for the whole family, so bring your friends and come support our young racers!
Young Adult Chill!  Calling all Young Adults (18-35)!  Come hang out.  Fun, food, games, and fellowship on Friday, March 28th 7-9:30 PM.

If you or someone you know has lost a spouse, we want you to know—you don’t have to grieve alone. Our Counseling Ministry is offering a special GriefShare seminar designed to offer comfort, encouragement, and practical tools to help you navigate this season. It takes place Saturday, March 29th at 10:00 AM.
You will hear from others who understand your pain and receive biblical wisdom to help you move forward in hope. If you need this, or if you know someone who does, please register online at the GriefShare webpage, HERE.
Immediately following the GriefShare seminar, on Saturday, March 29th, we invite all widows and widowers to join us for a special luncheon hosted by the Christian Education and Deacon Ministry from 12:00-3:00 PM.
This will be an afternoon of encouragement, fellowship, food, and fun, designed to help you build meaningful connections with others who understand your journey. If you’re attending the Loss of a Spouse seminar, we’d love for you to stay and join us! But we do need you to register—so please, register HERE.
NEW WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY  All ladies are invited and welcome to join the Women's Bible Study class as they start a new study titled, Dwell on These Things. This study journeys through the book of Philippians and starts Wednesday, April 2nd at 7:30 p.m. online. To register: go HERE
Aspiring and current leaders are encouraged and invited to participate in Leadership Excellence and Development Academy, which begins on Thursday, April 4th at 7:30 p.m. LEAD Academy is designed to equip aspiring and emerging leaders with essential leadership skills, tools, and resources, and offers a blend of theological insight and practical application. Our desire and goal is to develop existing and future church leaders! If that's you, we welcome you to join us for LEAD Academy 2025! To register: go HERE
We want to say thank you for your giving and partnership.  YOUR GIVING MATTERS! Your faithful giving allows us to increasingly do the work of ministry for our members AND to everyone the Lord sends to us and sends us to.  Friendship Family, as we start a new year, your faithful support is vital. God has blessed us with growth and new opportunities to reach people with His love, both online and in person. Let’s start strong! Please continue supporting our mission and our building project. Let’s keep giving to make Friendship a productive church!  You may give HERE.

General Church things to remember:
  • 2025 CHURCH THEME:
     Advancing and Expanding... for God's Glory Alone
     Fortifying the Faithful - Equipping the Elect
     Ephesians 4:11-14 ESV

     March – Growing in the Wisdom of God
             Proverbs 2:6; James 1:5; Ecclesiastes 2:26; Proverbs 4:7; Colossians 2:2-3

We invite everyone to consider reading God’s Word this year! As of today, you have 305 days to complete a Bible reading plan, including today. At Friendship, we encourage every member to read one of six Bible reading plans in the year. Consider joining a Bible-reading small group that will be starting soon! The plans include:
✔ The entire Bible,
✔ The Pentateuch (or the first five books of the Old Testament),
✔ The entire Old Testament,
✔ The Gospels (or the first four books of the New Testament),
✔ The entire New Testament, and
✔ Psalms and Proverbs (3 times)
Remember,  Health Care Ministry is sponsoring a weekly Health Walk every Saturday  from 7:00 am to 7:35 am led by Rev. Aubrey Craig and Sister Sandra Jones. This is a 30-minute walk. The walking group will meet on the corner of Bastanchury Road and Rose Drive.  If you want to participate, show up with water and energy snacks. Water and snacks will not be provided. For more information, please call Sister Sandra Jones at  909-438-7217.
We invite you to stay after the first service or come earlier for the second service to attend EX-Hour in person. Remember, we have two adult classes meeting in person on campus and a Young Adult Class. They meet as follows:
  • ADULT CLASS ONE (Sanctuary): The team teaching in the Sanctuary includes Lady Karima Curry, Pamela Jones, Deacon Demetrius Linebarger, Melanie Porter, Vivian Randolph, & Deacon James Shelby
  • ADULT CLASS TWO (Carrington Building Room 217): The team teaching in the Carrington Building Room 217 includes Le Shon Archer, Deacon Rick Archer, Karen Ammons, Gwen Matthews, and Carl Randolph.
  • YOUNG ADULT CLASS (Carrington Building Rooms 207-208): This class is designed for those aged 18-35.
  • VIRTUAL EX HOUR: Virtual Ex-Hour meets weekly on Sundays via ZOOM. Join us for class at 10:00 am via this link HERE.
  • YOUTH EX HOUR: Our in-person youth EX-Hour takes place during our designated EX Hour time in the Multipurpose Building. Parents, please encourage your students to join youth teachers for this biblically fun opportunity to learn God’s Word, connect with others, and grow.
  • CHILDREN’S EX-HOUR: As stated in previous weeks, our Children’s EX-Hour is back and meets on Sundays at 10am in the Multipurpose Building. Parents, please note you must check in and check out your children weekly for Ex-Hour. 
  • MOMMIES WITH BABIES: We have our Mommies with Babies class simultaneously during EX-Hour in the Multipurpose Building. Mommies with two years old and younger children are invited to this EX-HOUR class and are encouraged to bring their children with them! Come for encouragement, community, and growth! Amen!

  • WEDNESDAY PRAYER DAY: Join us each Wednesday for Prayer. We pray at 6:30 am, 12:00 pm, and 6:30 pm. To connect with our prayer services, please follow this link HERE or dial in at +1 (413) 418-4274 and use the PIN 287683504#.
  • FRIENDSHIP FOOD BANK OPEN: The Friendship Food Bank is OPEN with a new drive-thru system where our clients will receive a pre-packaged food box and a bag of groceries.  The Food Bank’s hours of operation are Tuesday - Thursday, 2:30 pm-4:30 pm.  
Whew! That was a lot of announcements!

I look forward to seeing YOU this Sunday! Not just for High Church and Communion, but for community! I love seeing your faces, worshiping together, and being in the house of the Lord with you.

Oh! And don’t forget—we are kicking off a brand-new preaching series this Sunday titled “Joy on the Journey”—a study through Philippians. This series is going to encourage, challenge, and bless us all, and I hope you’ll be there each week to journey through Philippians with us!

Alright, I’ve talked enough! God loves you, and so do I. Have a great day and an amazing weekend—and I’ll see you Sunday!

Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Your Pastor

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