Greetings, Friendship family! 

It has been a few weeks since I have had opportunity to greet you through the bi weekly update! So I am glad to connect with you this week and this month! 

I want to start by reminding you of the incredible power of our togetherness and the blessings we experience when we gather in faith and fellowship. Your presence and participation make a difference, and I am so grateful for each and every one of you. As I often say, Sunday is the highlight of my week because I get to see you!
This week was an equally joyful opportunity to experience togetherness with the Friendship Family at our Discipleship Bootcamp. What a great time! 

I want to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended our Discipleship Bootcamp, also known as Vacation Bible School (VBS). Special thanks to Le Shon Archer for her outstanding leadership and to all who taught, volunteered, and served. Your dedication made it a success!

Now let's look at the announcements. 
Kingdom Wives, don’t forget tomorrow, June 20th, is the next WIVES CLASS. It meets virtually from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. via Zoom.

Join Lady Karima and other Friendship wives as they continue their study entitled A Wife After God’s Own Heart.  This class is open to new members at any time.  Register today HERE to receive the Zoom link to the class.
We invite you to Join Pastor Greg Laurie and Harvest Christian Fellowship for their ANNUAL the Harvest Crusade on Saturday, July 20th, at Angel Stadium. Whether you're seeking, doubting, or suffering, the Harvest Crusade is a place to find people who love you and to discover how Jesus can change everything for you. This FREE event features performances from top musical guests and a message from Pastor Greg Laurie that could change your life.  Get more information, HERE.

This Sunday, July 21st, at 3 p.m., we have an outing to Greater New Bethel Baptist Church for Pastor Rikki Ferrell’s 9th Pastoral Anniversary. Our mass choir will sing, transportation will be provided for those who need it, and they are providing lunch for us at 2 p.m. All are welcome to join.  The address is: 601 E 99th St, Inglewood, CA 90301.
Kingdom Women – Join us for our Virtual Women’s Ministry Monthly Fellowship on Friday, July 26th at 7:00 p.m.  Our guest, Pastor Karen J. Sykes from CrossWord Christian Church of Moreno Valley, will teach about Anna - When Women Pray, People Find Salvation based upon the book, When Women Pray - 10 Women Who Changed The World Through Prayer" by Bishop T.D. Jakes.  Bishop Jakes writes,
"When you cry out to God for salvation, He hears you. When you call out to God for peace in the midst of a world in turmoil, He hears you. When you plead with God for love and warmth and tenderness because you are lonely and afraid, He hears you. When you grab hold of God’s feet and refuse to let go, as the Shunammite woman did, He will not try to kick you loose; He will hear you."
Whenever you pray, God will hear you. And He will answer. That’s the promise women can rely on when they pray. That’s the power women can access when they pray—that connection with Almighty God. That’s the wonder and the joy women can experience when they speak with God and then listen for His response, because He does answer.  Therefore, pray. Because when women pray, God answers—and people find salvation.
Ladies, don't miss your blessing and a time to learn that something powerful happens When Women Pray!
Don't Delay…Register Today and Be Sure To Invite A Friend!
We look forward to seeing YOU soon!
I’d like to invite the entire membership to our next Stewardship/Family meeting on Saturday, July 27th, at 10 am in the Sanctuary. We have several important updates to share about what’s going on within our church, and your presence is welcomed!
Our Back to School Backpack and School Supply Giveaway will take place on Sunday, August 25th from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. YES CHURCH IS STILL TAKING PLACE!  We are partnering with the NAACP of Orange County to kick off the 2024-2025 school year.

Parents, bring your children out for a fun day of play and praise! Get the school supplies you need! Plus, there will be an ART Village where students can personalize their backpacks with creative pins and patches. They will also have the opportunity to take selfies with a nice Back-To-School backdrop.  We will have food vendors, cotton candy and more!!!  Our scholarship ministries will be taking sign-ups for the new school year!  The whole family can get their praise on at the 8:00 am and 11:30 am Services!  Right after the 11:30am service, at 1:30 pm, our College & Career Prep Ministry will be hosting a College Information Dialogue Session. There will be two separate panels: One for future college students and another for parents. Friendship, this is a great opportunity to invite families you know to worship with you and get ready for the school year.
Looking ahead, we will have an in-person Family Prayer Service on Friday, August 2nd, at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Join us for worship and prayer. Our last in-person prayer meeting was wonderful, and we look forward to another powerful time together.  You can view our prayer list and see the theme for the month of July HERE.
Don’t forget our church picnic on Saturday, August 3rd, at Ted Craig Regional Park from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We’ll have food, games, jumpers, and fun for the entire family. All food is included; we just ask you to bring your favorite dessert or a case of water. Before the picnic, join us for our Health Care Ministry’s Annual 5K Health Walk at 8 a.m. It’s going to be a great day, so come ready to enjoy!
Our 60th Anniversary Commemorative book is here. You can pick up your book this weekend or purchase one for only $75.00. Friendship, family, friends, and guests, we need you to support this great milestone. 
Friendship, family, and friends, it has been 5 years since our last Christmas Gala, and it's time for another one! Please save the date for December 13th and join us for our festive, fun, and fabulous 2024 Christmas Gala at the Los Coyotes Country Club at 7PM. Don't miss what a fantastic evening of joy and celebration, featuring a delectable meal, top-notch
entertainment, and dancing all night long!
To purchase your tickets, pleas scan the QR code on the flier or go HERE.
The Friendship Safety Team is currently recruiting new members. We need more women and coverage for the 2nd service.

The prerequisites are:
  1. Member in good standing. New Members must complete new member's class to be officially added to the team. However, they are able to serve while attending the class.
  2. Ability to serve the entire service. We ask that they show up 30 mins prior to the start of service and stay until the end of service, preferably until all the parishioners leave.
  3. Be available for special services/events, as needed.

We also would like to appeal to those in Law Enforcement Officers or Retired LEOs. We would love to you on the team, but we know that many of you want to just worship and leave the job at the job. The Safety team, however, just needs to know who you are and where you (in the service) are in case of an emergency.

If interested please contact Pastor Rodney Friend HERE.
We want to say thank you for your giving and partnership.  YOUR GIVING MATTERS! Your faithful giving allows us to increasingly do the work of ministry for our members AND to everyone the Lord sends to us and sends us to.   Let’s keep giving to make Friendship a productive church!  You may give HERE.

General Church things to remember:
  • 2024 CHURCH THEME:
     Advancing and Expanding... for God's Glory Alone
     Ephesians 3:20-21 ESV

     Walking in the liberty of Christ
     2 Cor 3:17; John 8:36; Gal 5:13-14; Psalm 119:45; Acts 13:38-39; Romans 6:22

We invite everyone to consider reading God’s Word this year! As of today, you have 165 days to complete a Bible reading plan, including today. At Friendship, we encourage every member to read one of six Bible reading plans in the year. Consider joining a Bible-reading small group that will be starting soon! The plans include:
✔ The entire Bible,
✔ The Pentateuch (or the first five books of the Old Testament),
✔ The entire Old Testament,
✔ The Gospels (or the first four books of the New Testament),
✔ The entire New Testament, and
✔ Psalms and Proverbs (3 times)

Remember,  Health Care Ministry is sponsoring a weekly Health Walk every Saturday  from 7:00 am to 7:35 am led by Rev. Aubrey Craig and Sister Sandra Jones. This is a 30-minute walk. The walking group will meet on the corner of Bastanchury Road and Rose Drive.  If you want to participate, show up with water and energy snacks. Water and snacks will not be provided. For more information, please call Sister Sandra Jones at  909-438-7217.

We invite you to stay after the first service or come earlier for the second service to attend EX-Hour in person. Remember, we have two adult classes meeting in person on campus and a Young Adult Class. They meet as follows:

  • Adult Class One (Sanctuary): The team teaching in the Sanctuary includes Lady Karima Curry, Pamela Jones, Deacon Demetrius Linebarger, Melanie Porter, Vivian Randolph, & Deacon James Shelby
  • Adult Class Two (Carrington Building Room 217): The team teaching in the Carrington Building Room 217 includes Le Shon Archer, Deacon Rick Archer, Karen Ammons, Gwen Matthews, and Carl Randolph.
  • Young Adults Class (Carrington Building Rooms 207-208): This class is designed for those aged 18-35.
  • VIRTUAL EX HOUR: Virtual Ex-Hour meets weekly on Sundays via ZOOM. Join us for class at 10:00 am via this link HERE.
  • YOUTH EX HOUR: Our in-person youth EX-Hour takes place during our designated EX Hour time in the Multipurpose Building. Parents, please encourage your students to join youth teachers for this biblically fun opportunity to learn God’s Word, connect with others, and grow.
  • CHILDREN’S EX-HOUR: As stated in previous weeks, our Children’s EX-Hour is back and meets on Sundays at 10am in the Multipurpose Building. Parents, please note you must check in and check out your children weekly for Ex-Hour. 
  • MOMMIES WITH BABIES: We have our Mommies with Babies class simultaneously during EX-Hour in the Multipurpose Building. Mommies with two years old and younger children are invited to this EX-HOUR class and are encouraged to bring their children with them! Come for encouragement, community, and growth! Amen!

  • WEDNESDAY Prayer Day: Join us each Wednesday for Prayer. We pray at 6:30 am, 12:00 pm, and 6:30 pm. To connect with our prayer services, please follow this link HERE or dial in at +1 (413) 418-4274 and use the PIN 287683504#.

  • Friendship FOOD BANK OPEN: The Friendship Food Bank is OPEN with a new drive-thru system where our clients will receive a pre-packaged food box and a bag of groceries.  The Food Bank’s hours of operation are Tuesday - Thursday, 2:30 pm-4:30 pm.  

That’s all I have…

Thank you, Friendship, for your unwavering commitment and faithfulness.

Let’s continue to move forward with enthusiasm and love, embracing every opportunity to grow and serve together

Remember God Loves you and So do I!
Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Your Pastor

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