Weekly Word from Pastor Curry: September 25, 2020
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Greetings Friendship,
I pray this email/update finds each of you well! I must admit I am EXCITED and THANKFUL this week. I am excited about our planned activities for Sunday. I am not so much EXCITED to have the anniversary celebration as I am EXCITED to see many of you who will attend and participate in the parade. Please note, this is OUR anniversary TOGETHER; pastor and people. When I celebrate my wedding anniversary each year, I do not celebrate it alone; I celebrate with my wife, Lady Karima. Friendship, we are in this together. So, I am THANKFUL for the opportunity not merely to serve you as your pastor, but I am THANKFUL to serve in ministry with you as a co-laborer! I look forward to serving you Sunday at the parade. For more information on the parade, please go HERE.
I want to invite you to an event we are having on Monday, September 28th, at 7pm. Our RHEMA Men’s Ministry is sponsoring this event called The VOTE 2020. This Town Hall type of event offered via Zoom is designed to help members and guests understand the issues on the ballot this year. Hear Deacon James Shirley (Civil Rights Activist and City of San Dimas Senior Citizens Commission Board Member) as he helps us understand the various propositions, etc. To register, please go HERE.
Remember, we have a civic responsibility as believers. While we have a heavenly hope, we live in an earthly reality and should do our part to exercise justice and mercy in the world. For us as citizens of America, this is done through practicing our right to vote. Please plan to VOTE. To understand the importance of voting, please look at this video by the Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley, Pastor of the historic Alfred Street Baptist Church (ASBC) in Alexandria, VA. He’s a leader I respect. Please note that he states President Trump has not appointed one judge who is a person of color. When he recorded this, that was true; however, President Trump has appointed one judge of color, her name is Stephanie Dawkins Davis of Detroit, MI. I think the point Pastor Wesley makes is poignant. View the video below:
I pray this email/update finds each of you well! I must admit I am EXCITED and THANKFUL this week. I am excited about our planned activities for Sunday. I am not so much EXCITED to have the anniversary celebration as I am EXCITED to see many of you who will attend and participate in the parade. Please note, this is OUR anniversary TOGETHER; pastor and people. When I celebrate my wedding anniversary each year, I do not celebrate it alone; I celebrate with my wife, Lady Karima. Friendship, we are in this together. So, I am THANKFUL for the opportunity not merely to serve you as your pastor, but I am THANKFUL to serve in ministry with you as a co-laborer! I look forward to serving you Sunday at the parade. For more information on the parade, please go HERE.
I want to invite you to an event we are having on Monday, September 28th, at 7pm. Our RHEMA Men’s Ministry is sponsoring this event called The VOTE 2020. This Town Hall type of event offered via Zoom is designed to help members and guests understand the issues on the ballot this year. Hear Deacon James Shirley (Civil Rights Activist and City of San Dimas Senior Citizens Commission Board Member) as he helps us understand the various propositions, etc. To register, please go HERE.
Remember, we have a civic responsibility as believers. While we have a heavenly hope, we live in an earthly reality and should do our part to exercise justice and mercy in the world. For us as citizens of America, this is done through practicing our right to vote. Please plan to VOTE. To understand the importance of voting, please look at this video by the Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley, Pastor of the historic Alfred Street Baptist Church (ASBC) in Alexandria, VA. He’s a leader I respect. Please note that he states President Trump has not appointed one judge who is a person of color. When he recorded this, that was true; however, President Trump has appointed one judge of color, her name is Stephanie Dawkins Davis of Detroit, MI. I think the point Pastor Wesley makes is poignant. View the video below:
Our next DRIVE-IN Service is coming Sunday, October 4th, at 9am. Please register ASAP for our next Drive-in Service. You can register and RSVP now by going HERE. Please note we will only have one service at 9am but will re-broadcast that service at 11:30am.
Also, last week I told you we are NOT offering the flu vaccines at the church this year. We want to encourage you to follow the CDC guidelines concerning the flu vaccine, which encourages the vaccine and states, “getting a flu vaccine is an essential part of protecting your health and your family’s health this season.” HERE is a list of places you can go to get the flu vaccination.
Please remember MINISTRY CONTINUES AT FRIENDSHIP! Virtually and creatively! Please note that in October, we will be moving many of our virtual classes from Google Meet to ZOOM. More information will come in my weekly video next week. Please remain connected and remain engaged! If you need to know what opportunities are available to you, please go to www.wearefriendship.church/events. There you will see all we offer every week!
Look at what we are doing:
We are STILL attempting to support our members with small businesses. Recognizing that this pandemic has been especially difficult for many of you, we would like to promote your business through our website, church app, social media outlets. If you would like for us to feature your small business, please contact Rev. Eric Archer at [email protected].
Here are our weekly reminders:
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected! Remember to PRAY, not PANIC, take PRECAUTIONS, and be PATIENT.
Serving you gratefully,

Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Senior Pastor
Also, last week I told you we are NOT offering the flu vaccines at the church this year. We want to encourage you to follow the CDC guidelines concerning the flu vaccine, which encourages the vaccine and states, “getting a flu vaccine is an essential part of protecting your health and your family’s health this season.” HERE is a list of places you can go to get the flu vaccination.
Please remember MINISTRY CONTINUES AT FRIENDSHIP! Virtually and creatively! Please note that in October, we will be moving many of our virtual classes from Google Meet to ZOOM. More information will come in my weekly video next week. Please remain connected and remain engaged! If you need to know what opportunities are available to you, please go to www.wearefriendship.church/events. There you will see all we offer every week!
Look at what we are doing:
- RTNT has one more Wednesday evening session. We will study the Books of Titus, Philemon & Jude on Wednesday, September 30th. Please read these three short letters by Wednesday.
- I want to remind you that CELEBRATE RECOVERY meets every Thursday at 7pm via ZOOM! Celebrate Recovery offers an opportunity to worship our God and stay connected as we surrender our hurts, habits, and hang-ups to the Lord! Each week we have praise and worship, the reading of the CR principles, and a featured weekly speaker. The open share will resume in the virtual format and will maintain the confidentiality requirements based on CR guidelines. To participate in this event, please use the link HERE.
- LEADERSHIP MEETING is coming! Ministry Leaders, our next Leadership Meeting, will take place on Saturday, October 3rd, via ZOOM! Leaders, you will get MORE information, SOON! Please pay attention to your emails.
- Our next SATURDAY SCIENCE FUN DAY WORKSHOP “Stomp Rockets: Theory, Construction & Launch” will take place on Saturday, October 3, 2020, 11am - 12:30pm. This will be a virtual workshop via Zoom, structured for 3rd-6th graders, where our children and families can participate right from your own homes. We do need you to register ASAP if you have not done so. The cost is only $10 per family. Our staff will send the meeting link to you after you register. Please click HERE to register.
- Did you know we have taken in new members during this COVID19 global pandemic? Yes, we have! To God be the GLORY! We have taken in about 18 NEW MEMBERS! I want to WELCOME all of our NEW MEMBERS. I am also excited to announce that we are launching a virtual New Members Class that will kick-off on Sunday, October 4th, at 3pm! Look for an email soon with MORE details!
- We are so excited that open enrollment for our Scholarship Ministry is here. From now until October 14th, we will accept applications for students to join the ministry for this academic year. The Scholarship Ministry is for all students K-5th and 6th -12th. Our Scholarship Ministry is designed to nurture Friendship’s students to be the best scholars they can be. Our prayer is that our students will be a meaningful part of the Friendship Village that is a catalyst for faithful ministry and service. This year, registration has moved on-line to our website. Please go to www.wearefriendship.church/scholarship to access the application. We need all new and returning students to complete the on-line application. More information about our “Virtual Kick-Off Meeting” in mid-October will be coming soon. If you have any questions, please email Rev. Jaron Singley.
- Our College and Career Prep Initiative (CCPI) has produced an excellent and comprehensive one-stop virtual academic and education assistance resource for parents and families of K- through 12 and college-bound students. Click HERE to access our Google Classroom. Feel free to share with others.
We are STILL attempting to support our members with small businesses. Recognizing that this pandemic has been especially difficult for many of you, we would like to promote your business through our website, church app, social media outlets. If you would like for us to feature your small business, please contact Rev. Eric Archer at [email protected].
Here are our weekly reminders:
- Phone Line for Worship: For our members who may have a tough time connecting to our worship service on-line for whatever reason, we are now offering a way for those members to dial in and listen to service over the phone. To access the service via telephone, members and guests need to dial 1 216-930-8774 and enter the PIN: 464 267 559#. It is live for both the 8:00a and 11:30a worship services.
- EX HOUR: Ex Hour meets weekly on Sundays, and we are studying Isaiah beginning this Sunday. This study will continue through the end of November. Remember, EX Hour takes place every Sunday through the video conference app, Google Meet. Join us for class on Sundays at 10:15a via this link HERE. Also, there is a YOUTH EX HOUR: Our youth Ex Hour takes place during our designated EX Hour time. Parents, please encourage your students to join youth teachers for this biblically fun opportunity to learn God’s Word, connect with others, and grow. To join Youth Ex Hour, follow the link HERE.
- AT THE DOOR WITH THE CURRYS: Remember this virtual experience after each worship service on Sundays. It is a time for Lady Karima and me to connect with you just like we would at church on Sunday. We are NOT meeting this Sunday because of the parade.
- WEDNESDAY Prayer Day: Join us each Wednesday for Prayer. We pray at 6:30a, 12p, and 6:30p. To connect with our prayer services, please follow this link HERE or dial in at +1 (413) 418-4274 and use the PIN 287683504#.
- RTNT Bible Study with Pastor Curry: After prayer on Wednesday evenings, please join me for RTNT Bible Study at 7p. To connect with me for Bible Study, please follow this link HERE or dial in at +1 302-455-8997 and use the PIN: 906 944 250#. The reading plan is available HERE.
- FBC FOOD BANK OPEN: The FBC Food Bank is OPEN with a new drive-thru system where our clients will receive a pre-packaged food box and bag of groceries. The Food Bank hours of operation are Tuesday - Thursday 2:30p-4:30p. We also need ADDITIONAL volunteers for the food pantry; if you are available, please contact Rev. Patrick Christian at [email protected].
- COVID Membership Assistance Fund: We are STILL accepting applications for the COVID Membership Assistance Grant. If you are experiencing financial distress due to COVID19, we invite you to apply for one of our $500 assistance grants. The guidelines are available HERE, and the application is available HERE.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected! Remember to PRAY, not PANIC, take PRECAUTIONS, and be PATIENT.
Serving you gratefully,
Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Senior Pastor
Posted in COVID-19